Vivisection Testing - What Really Happens
It is reported that over 100 million animals each year suffer and are murdered at the hands of:
- Cosmetic, Chemical, Drug and Food Companies
- Medical Research Laboratories
- University Laboratories
- Medical Training Exercises
To name but a few. They suffer unimaginable psychological and physical suffering. Albino Rabbits, and Dogs, for example, are often used for the Draize acute toxicity test.
This is where a substance such as a cosmetic or food ingredient is dropped into the eye or on the skin of a restrained, conscious animal, left for a while then removed to record its effects.
Effects can range from redness and swelling, to haemorrhaging and blindness. The animals are killed if they do not recover, otherwise they are tested on again. The pain they experience can only be imagined.
Image: Rabbit Experimentation – Eye Irritancy Tests where chemicals are put into the eye and it is forced shut to keep the chemical in for at least 10 minutes to see what damage it does. We can only imagine the pain

The Lethal Dose 50 Percent (LD50) test is where Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Mice and Guinea Pigs are used to test lipsticks, skin-care products, shampoos and nail polish.
Ingredients equating 50% of the animals body weight is forced into the animal orally or intravenously. The aim is to find the dose which kills half the animal sample, which is a minimum of 50 animals per experiment.
The multitude of tests that are conducted on animals is truly sickening. Monkeys are documented to have lost fingers and limbs through testing, and even through the lack of care they receive after testing.
For example, bandages are not applied to the burned body of the animal after chemical testing. This leads to infection and disease, not to mention the pain and distress they suffer.
Image: Dog Burned Untreated After Chemical Testing
At the Shriner’s Hospital, Cincinnati, USA

The testing of cosmetics, household cleaners, and surprisingly, dog food, results in millions of animals suffering and dying from poisoning and burning every year, at the demand of cruel corporations. These corporations are the owners of leading, well known brands consumers buy.
Image: Producers of IAMS and EUKANUBA dog food test on animals

Animal experimentation for household products and cosmetic companies include forcing animals to inhale chemical fumes, ingest their ingredients, and rub them into their shaved scalps, eyes, limbs and raw skin. The effects can be devastating:
Image: A Scalped Monkey experimented on

Image: A Puppy Carcass after being used in lab experiments

The animals in labs are also often treated appallingly even before any cruel testing is carried out. They are often abused by their captors, starved and imprisoned in small cages, only taken out for the torture of animal experimentation.
During the animal experimentation the animals are often put into restraint tubes or other types of restraints so they have no way of escaping the pain.
Image: Monkey in a restraint tube in Covance animal testing laboratory, Vienna, Virginia

Image: Another monkey in a restraint, forcing the animal to endure the terror and pain of being experimented on

Other types of experiments include drug injection into sheep, cattle and other livestock to see if more milk can be produced, or enlarge the animal for more meat.
Animals are injected with morphine and other drugs just to see the impact of addiction and the withdrawal process. Many animals have died this way, in the name of science!
In 2010 the UK Government annual statistics revealed that over 3.5 million animals suffered and died in lab experiments. Up to 8 million animals bred for testing were destroyed because they were surplus to requirements!
Testing on humans is OK after we give our consent. No one asks for the consent of all the other animals. What gives us the right to do this? Human Beings – the most despicable animal on the planet!
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"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us." Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction."
Charles R. Magel