The Cat and Dog Meat Trade In Asia


In the Asian cat and dog meat trade, millions of dogs and cats are cruelly and savagely killed by people who believe the more terrified the animal is before death, the better the meat tastes.

China, and other Asian countries, inflict such an enormous degree of cruelty on these innocent and gentle animals, it is impossible for us to comprehend the full extent of the suffering.



Pets Or Food?

Across Asia, animals that would be treasured as pets here, are used in the cat and dog meat trade. Some are stolen off the streets, whether they are somebodies pet or a stray.

Others are kept in cruel conditions as they are farmed for the cat and dog meat industry. Many Chinese children have never come in to contact with a pet dog and are scared of them.

Image: Dog Meat Trade Victim. Source


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Living Conditions And Transportation

The cats and dogs destined to be made in to cat and dog meat are forced in to sacks, or in tiny cages, in which they can barely move.

When transported, the cats and dogs go for days without water, slowly dying of dehydration. The cages are stacked on a the back of a vehicle and when they reach the destination where they will be brutally killed, they are roughly thrown to the ground from the back of the vehicle.

This injures the cats and dogs and breaks their bones. They receive no treatment and are left in an enormous amount of pain.

Image: Cats in cramped cages. Source


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 Belief: The More The Animal Suffers, The Better The Meat Tastes

Their pain only gets worse when each dog or cat is dragged from it’s cage and beaten. This may be to tenderise the meat, or to beat the animal in to submission.

There is a sickening and baseless belief held that the more terrified and tortured an animal is before death, the better the meat will taste and the more health benefits it will have, due to the adrenaline released in to the body.

Image: Halal Meat. Source


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Skinned Alive / Boiled Alive / Baked Alive And Other Methods Of Killing

While still alive and fully conscious, and in excruciating pain from being bludgeoned, the terrified cat or dog can be skinned alive, just like they are in the Fur Industry.

Cats and dogs can survive through this unimaginably agonising process, only to be forced in to a vat of boiling water and put through the agony of then being boiled alive. Some are cooked alive without skinning.

Cats and dogs can also be forced in to large ovens, which they cannot escape from, and are slowly baked to death inside them.

Other methods of killing the cats and dogs include strangling them or electrocuting them. Whatever method is used, you can be sure it will be a terrifying and agonising death for these companion animals.

There are no laws in China to protect animals from such incredibly cruel methods of slaughter.

Image: Puppies boiled alive with their fur removed. Source


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 Increasing Popularity Of Eating Dogs In China

At one time, cats and dogs were only consumed in certain areas of China. However, production has increased and the consumption of cat and dog meat has spread across China.

It is available in supermarkets and online, and in some Provinces, it is promoted by the Government. Many people in China fear dogs and have never experienced them as pets.

Some other Asian countries, such as Taiwan and the Philippines have recently outlawed the eating of dogs. However, the authorities do not enforce the law, so the trade thrives on the black market.

Find more information about this on the Illegal Bush Meat Trade page.

Image: Dog Meat in a Supermarket in Hong Kong. Thankfully this Supermarket Chain removed dog meat from its shelves. Source



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Where Is Dog & Cat Meat Sold?

A lot of cat and dog meat is served in restaurants throughout Asia, and sold in shops and supermarkets. People can also buy a cat or dog from markets across Asia.

One such market is Hua Nam wild animal market in Guangzhous, China, which is where the deadly SARS virus is believed to have originated.

Market stall holders dislocate or break the front legs of the animal and force it’s limbs behind it’s back, tying them there. This causes the cat or dog enormous amounts of pain.

They also force a sharp and jagged tin can over the dog’s muzzle, so it is completely helpless and has no way of defending itself or escaping. The jagged tin tears into their skin and causes them more pain.

Some stall holders brutally and inhumanely kill the dog or cat on the stall, in front of the other dogs who are still alive, in tiny cages.

Other stall holders sell the cats and dogs alive, to be slaughtered by the buyer.

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Buying Live Dog & Cat Meat

After being purchased alive, the dog or cat is often then dragged to the buyers home by it’s tail, with all its weight on it’s broken limbs, tied behind it’s back. The agony is unimaginable.

Once in the buyer’s home, the animal endures a horrifyingly brutal death. Methods include skinning alive, bludgeoning to death, boiling / baking alive, stabbing to death, burning alive – any method that will end in death after the maximum suffering due to the belief that the meat tastes better the more terrified the animal is, and the more it suffers, before death.

Image: How Dogs are treated in the Dog Meat Trade. Source


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Animal Rights Activists In Asia

Young Chinese animal rights activists are starting to take a stand and demanding change from their Government. They are fighting for animal rights at great personal and financial expense. Many internet websites are blocked in China, making it hard for them to raise awareness. They need  the rest of the world to help put pressure on their Government.

In South Korea, last years dog meat festival was cancelled due to pressure from animal rights activists.

Organisers have been known to change the dates of the festival at the last minute in order to avoid the presence of animal rights activists.

People are also known to steal animals for the cat and dog meat industry so that animal rights activists will buy them from them in order to save them.

In Africa, although it is just as brutal, the cat and dog meat trade is not as well known. There is therefore not as much animal rights activism present.

Image: Chinese Animal Rights Activist with a dog she bought and rescued from the Yulin Dog Festival. Source


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Want To Help Stop The Chinese Dog Eating Festival?

The Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival is one of the yearly Chinese dog meat festivals. It takes place in the Guangxi province of China every year. Around 15000 dogs are brutally slaughtered at this festival each year.  Many dogs are abducted from their owner’s homes and arrive in trucks at the festival with their collars still on.

The dogs are brutally killed, and can be skinned and boiled alive. Many are hung upside down,  beaten, then left to slowly bleed to death. They are purposely killed in front of other dogs to terrify and distress them. This obscene cruelty is all to increase the adrenaline to their muscles. They foolishly believe that the more adrenaline that is released in to the terrified and tortured dogs, the more tasty the meat will be and the more virile it will make the consumer of it.

Dogs are treated this way all year round and not just at festival time. The festival is used to promote dog meat. Dogs are regularly taken off the streets, and stolen from owners, and sold to restaurants that serve dog meat.

Young Chinese animal rights activists are taking a stand and demanding change from their Government.

They are fighting for animal rights at great personal and financial expense. Many internet websites are blocked in China, making it hard for them to raise awareness. They need the rest of the world to help put pressure on their Government.

In South Korea, last years dog meat festival was cancelled due to pressure from animal rights activists, so it can be done!

There are a number of organisations fighting the dog meat trade and by getting involved with them, you can really make a difference.

Look at:

Animals Asia

Soi Dog


Humane Society International

Animal Equality

Last Chance For Animals – Stop Dog Meat

No To Dog Meat

Network For Animals

Dog Meat Free Indonesia

You will find many more results if you enter “dog meat trade” or similar search terms into search engines or into social media search bars.  Use a fundraising search engine so that you can raise money to help animals with every search you do.

The dog meat trade is only one aspect of horrific cruelty animals are routinely subject to in Asia.

Bears are kept for their whole lives in cages too small to turn around in, and their bile milked from infected openings cut into their stomach. You can read more about this, as well as other cruelty, on the Chinese Medicines page.

Image: Tiny turtles are sealed into little bags and sold as living key chains. Source


Domestic pets and livestock are kept in appalling conditions at markets. Live chickens, turtles, quails and other birds and animals are shoved into net bags and left in the baking sun on the sidewalk without food and water until they are sold, just to be slaughtered in brutally painful ways.

Animals are crammed in to cages for months on end, before being beaten and skinned alive for their fur in the fur industry. They are often injured and left in agony inside the cages.

Email campaigns and petitions are a good way to put pressure on Governments, as is staging protests and demonstrations.

You will find those pages in the Help Stop Animal Cruelty and Suffering section of this website, along with many other ways of helping stop animal cruelty and suffering.


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Other Ways To Help Stop Animal Cruelty

On this site there are many varied ways you can help stop animal cruelty, and there are ways  that will suit everyone, no matter what your personality.

If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please have a look at the Types Of Animal Cruelty section of this site. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of animal abuse that happens in the world.

Sadly, what you will find is only the tip of the iceberg, but do not worry, because in the Help Stop Animal Cruelty section of this site, you can find a large and varied choice of ways that you can help stop the suffering. Have a look and see what ways would most suit you.

Help animals further by sharing the ways to stop animal cruelty you learn with other people and on social media. Doing this could mean more people help stop the cruelty, and therefore you are responsible for more animals being saved from suffering.

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