Bush Meat was originally defined as the hunting and killing of all types of wild animals in West and Central Africa, Asia and the humid tropics of the Americas.
The meat trade is an illegal activity that takes place on a daily basis. Wildlife is indiscriminately hunted for criminal profits, irrespective of whether they are endangered or not.
Wild animals such as dogs, cats, monkeys, tigers etc., are all classed as bush meat.
The Bush Meat trade is sickeningly brutal and cruel. I for one am disgusted that this still goes on in today’s society. It must be stopped!
Image: Adult Gorilla Victim of the Illegal Bush Meat Trade.
Illegal Dog Meat Trade in Asia
The illegal dog meat trade is the ultimate betrayal of mans best friend! Southeast Asia’s illegal dog meat trade is on the rise. It is a multi-million dollar industry run by criminals of the worst kind.
In Thailand crime lords arrange the capture of at least 30 000 stray dogs every month for exportation into Vietnam, via Laos and the illegal river borders, where the taste for bush meat, particularly dog meat, runs high.
Thai society frowns upon this activity, however, killing dogs, no matter how brutally, carries no legal penalty.
Wild dogs are corralled and forced into wire cages for export to Vietnam. They are graded by size as different sized dogs are worth different amounts.
For more information about the dog and cat meat trade, see this page.
Image: Illegal Bush Meat Dogs Captured and Transported
To Their Brutal Deaths
The criminal traffickers responsible for this have grown wealthy by dealing with their society’s ‘canine pests’. Although illegal, local police and politicians turn a blind eye to what goes on.
The poor dogs are treated appallingly. Angry dogs are subdued by being battered with pieces of wood. They are crammed into wired cages 10 deep and never fed or watered during their journey to Vietnam.
There is no mistaken the illegal dog meat cargo; the stink of fur, faeces, urine and petrified animal evident.
In Vietnam, the butchers will further brutalise the dogs so they die whilst scared out of their wits. Some believe this offers the consumers health benefits.
Clearly this is untrue. If anything they will catch diseases eating such meat. A quote from Baan Pehng’s Mayor says it all:
“Society says those who trade dogs are low-life’s. But I’m a politician and I say it’s an honest business.
It’s like selling garbage to foreigners for a profit.”
The attitude of politicians is not a great surprise, especially as they are profiting from the illegal dog meat trade to fund their election campaigns. Corruption is rife. Rotten to the core!!
At least 1000 dogs are trafficked into Vietnam EVERY DAY. At $10 per dog, that’s $3.6 million per year for the traffickers.
Image: A Dog Being Prepared For Consumption in Vietnam
The treatment of Dogs and Cats in China cannot be ignored. In Yulin, Eastern China, more than 15 000 dogs were slaughtered to feed visitors to a food festival.
As in Thailand and Vietnam, they are captured, brutalised, transported, brutalised, then killed in the most horrid ways.
Image: A Dog Carcass Being Prepared in Beijing
China also has a booming puppy meat trade, where thousands meet the most horrifying end by getting boiled alive or clubbed to death:
Image: Puppy About to Be Beaten To Death
After Witnessing What Happened To 3 Other Puppies
In Guangzhou, an enormous amount of animals are eaten. Consumers eat what is known as Boil Alive Cat.
This is where cats are beaten around the head to shut them up, then thrown into a pot of boiling water whilst still alive. They are retrieved then skinned, alive.
It is heart-breaking to witness:
Image: Bush Meat Cat In China About To Be Boiled Alive
Guangzhou consumes over 10,000 cats a day!
Monkeys such as the ones captured below are still commonplace on the meat stalls of China’s markets.
The consumption of illegal bush meat is remarkably dangerous, with viruses such as Ebola and AIDS rife. However, even these risks do not prevent the brutal murder of endangered species.
Image: Slaughtered Wildlife Animals In Gabon Africa
Up to 3.4 million tonnes is taken from the Congo Basin alone – estimated at 6 times the sustainable rate. $150 million dollar ‘industry’ in the Ivory Coast alone!
These shocking figures really do hit home just how many animals are being illegally poached across the planet, and therefore how many animals are being murdered, and as we have seen, murdered in such horrific ways.
In Africa, Antelopes are the most sought after animal. Chimpanzees, Gorillas and other Monkeys, Rhinos, Hippos, Elephants and Buffalos are also caught for consumption.
In Kenya it is not different. Thousands of snares are illegally laid in protected ranges and game areas by poachers:
Image: Monkey Captured In a Snare In Africa
The following short video shows the carcasses of wildlife being illegally transported from the jungles of Cameroon to the markets. Look at how many bags are being dropped off the train. It’s shocking.
The Bushmeat-Campaign.Net website lists endangered species as a result of the bush meat trade.
Image:A Monkey Being Cooked
Image: Meat from the Congo’s Kinshasa Market
Another consequence to this barbaric act when entire families of monkeys are hunted down and murdered, quite often the traumatized babies are sold as exotic pets:
Image: Bush Meat Monkey To Be Sold As An Exotic Pet
The orphaned monkeys are usually treated appallingly. They are often isolated, abused and are vulnerable to painful diseases. Gorillas In The Mist
The 1988 movie, “Gorillas In The Mist”, starring Sigourney Weaver, tells the true story of the scientist Dian Fossey who went to The Congo region of Africa and spent years living with mountain gorillas, trying to protect them from being hunted to extinction by poachers.
The full extent of blood curdling, merciless violence of true events were not portrayed in the film because it would have been too difficult for most people to watch. Showing a dramatically toned down version of events meant the film was able to reach a wider audience.
As heart breaking as the movie is, the reality of the merciless violence is much worse. In the film, as in reality, the poachers thought nothing of taking human life as well as animal to get what they wanted.
Image: Sigourney Weaver portraying Dian Fossey in Gorillas In The Mist
The meat is processed by poachers – stripped and hung up to dry for several days before being taken to market. Can you imagine seeing this everyday?
Image: Illegally Poached Wildlife Being Processed
Fortunately, there are organisations who actively capture poachers. In the image below, a poacher is captured red-handed, with the snares they use to trap animals, causing them horrific suffering and a slow, agonising death!
Image: Bush Meat Poacher Captured With Cruel Wire Snares
The mural below is an excellent depiction of what happens in the jungle on a daily basis:
Image: Bush Meat
Want to know more about the trade? This Website is an excellent source of information.
How Can I Help End The Bush Meat Trade And Other Animal Cruelty?
Only by turning your anguish at animal abuse in to action will you help change things for animals.
Help animals by sharing the ways to stop animal cruelty you learn with other people and on social media. Doing this could mean more people help stop the cruelty, and therefore you are responsible for more animals being saved from suffering.
On this site you will find many other varied ways you can help stop animal cruelty too, and there are ways that will suit everyone, no matter what your personality or lifestyle. Have a look and see what ways would most suit you.
If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please have a look at the Types Of Animal Cruelty section of this site. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of animal abuse that happens in the world.